31 Aug, 2018

Respect for the Dignity of Everyone’s Work

31 Aug, 2018

This post updates one I first wrote three years ago… In the aftermath of the financial crisis that almost brought down the entire global economy because of the reckless gambling by some of the world’s most ‘brilliant’ minds, I asked one of the geniuses who put the ‘douche’ in...

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08 May, 2018

Out from Behind the Glass

08 May, 2018

Last week I moderated an in-person Millennial shopper panel that was part of an annual day-and-a-half advisory board meeting for my client, a food marketer, and a dozen of their key customers from around the country. What made the session unique was that everyone was in the room together—no...

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05 Apr, 2018

Stepping Forth on the Fourth

05 Apr, 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]WASHINGTON, D.C. — I did my first poetry open-mic last night. It wasn’t my first open-mic—that I did 30 years ago for standup. I had never even been to a public poetry reading, though it’s been on my mind lately, as I, nearing a half-century of solar revolutions, have...

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08 Nov, 2017

The Art of Getting It

08 Nov, 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This piece was originally published on Medium.com on Sept. 1, 2017. “I get you” may be the most powerful three words in the English language next to “I love you.” (“Go fuck yourself” is also a forceful trio but takes the Bronze.) “Getting” someone is the foundation of...

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01 Jun, 2017

What Should We Do to Each Other?

01 Jun, 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the mid-90s, I had the privilege of working for Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation (now: USC Shoah Foundation), Steven Spielberg’s not-for-profit organization dedicated to compiling a digital library of firsthand accounts of the Holocaust. It was the most gratifying job I had after law school and...

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19 Feb, 2017

Talk With Strangers

19 Feb, 2017

On the one hand, talking to strangers makes us vulnerable. On the other, it invites a new connection that demonstrates respect and honors the dignity of everyone we encounter.

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26 Dec, 2016

Love & Bullshit

26 Dec, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sadly, my Great-Uncle Sy (of Blessed Memory) just passed away. He was age 87. He was a wonderfully quirky man. A socially conscious, health-conscious CPA and avid bicyclist, he ate greens with leporine fervor, pedaled to work and bicycled up and down the East Coast with his kids, my...

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20 Nov, 2016

Not-So-Good Grief

20 Nov, 2016

WARNING: Long rant here. You may want to pack a lunch, if you’re not too nauseated by the bucking bronco ride that was the campaign season and its horrifying results… Here we are nearly two weeks after the election. I’m not sure which stage of grief I’m in. This...

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06 Sep, 2016

We Can Work It Out

06 Sep, 2016

It’s funny how the universe offers up what we need when we need it. Although this certainly wasn’t a burning need, it was what I needed at the moment, courtesy of The Beatles. I came to a cool coffee shop in South San Francisco (Antigua) to do some writing,...

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15 Aug, 2016

Morning Wisdom from my Teenage Daughter

15 Aug, 2016

This morning my 14-year-old daughter observed, “Where you look is where you see.” She said it in reference to an a-ha moment for her about her literal field of vision. I paused to take a moment of gently feigned awe. We joked because it sounded tautological (she didn’t use...

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